The week end of 16th to 18th wasn’t only about football parties but also the joy of leveling up the standard and implementing the plan to increase competitions at all levels by just introducing the third division in men category for the second time in Rwanda, where the kick off took place in the quiet valleys of Bugarama/Rusizi District in the western part of Rwanda.

FERWAFA President Alphonse and the vice President Marcel watching the Game

Saturday 17th of February, FERWAFA team lead by himself the President Mr. Alphonse MUNYANTWALI, with his fellow members of the Executive community and the staff, started their weekend tight schedule at Bugarama Islamic center to watch the Game between Muganza FC and GS Saint Paul/Isonga, one of many games that launched the third Division League in Men Category, a high intensified game that ended by 1-1 draw as a result.
FERWAFA delegation posing with the Teams

In his speech, the President hailed the efforts invested in by all partners to have this championship played, teams, local leadership, schools’ leadership and stressed that such unity in developing this leading game will lead us to a pleasant result in the future, he said that the Federation is here to continue its help to the teams and called for more partners to invest in this most treasured game.

He again said that the presence of the thousands of people at the pitch proves that really football unites the world, and ended his speech by wishing the best to all the teams, also emphasizing that many more will come their way with the available resources.

Towards the end of the occasion, the FERWAFA President and his delegation took advantage and provided playing balls to all participating teams from Rusizi and Nyamasheke, where each team was given 5 playing balls.

FERWAFA President giving the Balls to the Teams

The Local leadership, Teams and the people expressed their gratitude to FERWAFA and its leadership for having though to launch the competition in that long distance from Kigali and pledged to express their talents, now that they have noticed that they are supported, they also asked the leadership to visit them quiet often to encourage them.