The FERWAFA Club Licensing first instance body and appealing body have, this Friday the 01st March 2024 gathered for a one-day training focusing on the new CAF Club Licensing Regulatory Framework (Edition 2022) conducted by FERWAFA Club licensing Manager, Mr. MUHIRE John Livingston, who is also a CAF Club Licensing Instructor.
Club Lisensing Manager Livingston training
In the said trainings, Mr. Livingston said that those trainings were organized by FERWAFA, in preparation for the upcoming Division one Men category workshop on the same, which will take place from 11th to 12th March 2024Participants quietly following
He added that after the trainings the trainees are expected to be equipped by enough skills to use the Club Licensing online Platform which will be used by the Division one men teams and will have many advantages, among them, the paperless aspect, where teams will be applying online through their users which will help them to keep their data and records.
The said trained Club licensing Bodies expressed their gratitude for such trainings and for FERWAFA that thinks unceasingly about Club Licensing as the decent way to build professional Football.